Working together

We're ready to serve your industry

Promtek can offer ready made solutions developed specifically for your industry. Our team has extensive knowledge and experience of a wide variety of industrial applications and will tailor a solution for you.

Promtek ensures long term support is available for all our solutions, so you do not have to worry about the impact of losing key people. Our systems require no constant upgrades, annual licence fees or forced upgrades. We upgrade through innovation and improved functionality, rather than enforced obsolescence.


Grain Processing

When it comes to weighing and traceability within your factory you'll want to seperate the wheat from the chaff and choose Promtek. We're also integration specialists that fit neatly into your workflow.



Confectionery means high speed, high throughput. With that comes the neccessity of precision and that's what Promtek does best. Our weighing accuracy and accountability is worth its weight in gold bars.



Promtek have extensive knowledge and experience in the beverege industry, and not just as consumers. It's a fast paced industry and we can help you scrutinise data to keep you ahead of your rivals.


Building Products

We know about building products. We've tailored our beautiful software just for you. Track your materials throughout your factory and analyse your throughput to maximise your output.

And many others

Solutions as unique as you are

Don't worry if we haven't showcased your industry above, that's just a sample of what we can do. Whatever your industry, we're confident Promtek can develop and tailor a solution to fit your needs.